I worked with KIXEYE, an online & mobile gaming development company located in SF, from 2012-2015. During that time I worked on full-stack projects, including the management and design of email & notification systems used to send 1M+ time-sensitive messages and responsible for significant revenue. In addition to notification management I worked with the marketing and web teams to develop landing pages for major titles, as well as work on the portal.
VEGA Conflict Microsite
Landing page for KIXEYE’s cross-platform title, VEGA Conflict.
Responsive layout, HTML5/CSS3
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Email Control
The culmination of my first two years at KIXEYE, Email Control is a comprehensive system for the management and monitoring of user emails being sent from kixeye games and The application was built from scratch to meet the email delivery needs of all teams.
PHP, AMQP, Bootstrap, SASS
TOME Signup page
UI Engineering for TOME: Immortal Arena signup and portal.
Drupal development, Backbone JS + Marionette, CSS3/HTML5